
Tony Evans Speaks Out on Heaven and Hell is unavailable, but you can change that!

We don’t hear much about hell today. And most of what we hear about heaven comes from popular television shows or celebrity-written books. But what does God say? After all, heaven and hell are both based on God’s character. Tony Evans takes a brief but insightful look at what the Bible says about death, hell, and heaven. Forever is too long to miss Christ in hell. But, forever won’t be too long...

who have taken evil to its very depths. When a criminal commits an especially heinous crime and comes up for trial, it’s common to hear people say things like, “If there isn’t a hell, there ought to be for a person like this.” It’s interesting that even non-Christians agree certain people’s sins are so bad they deserve to suffer forever for what they did. Human justice is relative, but God’s justice is absolute, and He takes our choices very seriously because people are very important in His sight.
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